We welcomed Dillon Travis into the world on Sunday, January 6th! He weighed in at a painful 9 lbs 3 oz and was over 22 inches long. We're already calling him 'Big D'. The nurses said that Cristy was the first person they've ever seen to deliver a baby while wearing a baseball cap! Way to go Cristy! That was just the start of the 'firsts' for my amazing wife... Not long after the delivery, the doctor didn't like that Cristy was still bleeding so she tried a few things, and soon decided to take her into the O.R. (operating room)! After a while in the OR room with no success, they began preparing for a histerectomy when her other doctor decided to try a new procedure that he had just recently researched. It was basically a 'balloon' that was inserted and filled with fluid and it simply put pressure against the walls of the utereus to stop the bleeding. She was the first one to have this procedure done in this hospital. The following day they removed some fluid every so often and Thank God it worked, the bleeding stopped! She spent the entire day after in the ICU just recovering. The doctors said that she had lost half of her body's blood supply and had to receive 6 units of blood and tons of fluids. I'm going to start giving blood more often.... So that was a tense 6 hours and I'm so thankful for everyone's support and prayers as well as for the wisdom of the doctor team while in the OR. Cristy was able to move back to the OB department and recovered for another day with her new baby! I'm so thankful that everyone is healthy and doing well!
He is adorable---CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just can't stop praising God for His faithful, and protection for you, Cristy!! I thank God for His perfect timing of the new procedure, and care for you with your doctor team. I STAND AMAZED is our song. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!! Carter and Brady, you guys look like the best brothers for Dillon!! Won't you guys have fun playing together. We are excited for you!!! Sending our Love, Mrs. Kitty for Ed too
Hi, I am Cristy Jensen. I am very thankful to have found a new sense of peace and serenity in my soul this past year. The Lord, who I have known and loved for 13 years has freed me of a lot of bitterness and anger. It has given me a beautiful new perspective on my life and that peace is overflowing to my family. I have 3 little boys-Carter (6), Brady (4) and Dillon (2). My Husband is an extraordinary man. He is sensitive, loving, funny, hard-working, passionate, genuine and the leader of our home. I am so thankful to God for the life He has given me on this earth.
what a cute baby
He is adorable---CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just can't stop praising God for His faithful, and protection for you, Cristy!! I thank God for His perfect timing of the new procedure, and care for you with your doctor team. I STAND AMAZED is our song. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!! Carter and Brady, you guys look like the best brothers for Dillon!! Won't you guys have fun playing together. We are excited for you!!!
Sending our Love,
Mrs. Kitty for Ed too
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